What makes us different?

Our coaches do more than simply write a plan. They apply the latest in sport science and technology to build personalized plans for each of our athletes.

Each athlete has access to a unique metabolic profile. These profiles form the foundation of our training and recovery approaches.

What is the “Podium Experience”?

At Podium Racing, we recognize sport science and sport-specific training (endurance, strength, function, skills, etc) are becoming increasingly more complex. As a result, deep expertise in each domain is required to unlock an athlete’s potential. To address this, we use an athlete-centered model where each athlete is supported by a team (pod) of coaches. This model allows for  coaches with unique skills and deep expertise, across our predefined domains, to work collaboratively in order to drive athlete outcomes.

How do we feel about Wearables and AI?

Podium Racing embraces technology innovation to eke out every last drop of performance. This means we actively integrate the latest in technology to find areas of opportunity. From Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to measuring core body temperature, we look very carefully at the opportunities that the latest in wearable tech can bring to our coaches and athletes.

We also believe AI is and will continue to be a key tool for our coaches. By automating basic tasks and data analysis, AI can find patterns that can be easily missed by humans.


Podium Racing is an innovative, multisport coaching company focused on the integration of the latest in sports science, wearables and AI. Podium Racing has created a unique, athlete-centered development model, inspired by years of experience in the sport of triathlon and a desire to create a coaching platform that deviates from the traditional coaching model. Podium Racing is redefining the athlete experience by building a network of expert coaches across key performance domains.

Podium Racing Co. currently includes Podium Adaptive (an all-encompassing platform for the development of adaptive athletes), Podium Foundation (a not for profit which provides funding for next generation athletes and adaptive athletes) and Podium Racing (a squad of professional and elite athletes, including those that will compete on the Podium Racing supertri team).

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