Welcome BAM!

We are pleased to announce that Balanced Art Multisport (BAM) has been acquired by Podium Coaching Group (PCG). This acquisition adds Wes Johnson, Head Coach of the University of Arizona, along with Jocelyn Bonney and Shannon Clawson to the PCG coaching roster.

“Wes and I have worked together for years and I believe he is one of the best junior development coaches in the U.S. I am thrilled to be working with him," said Parker Spencer, Co-Founder of PCG.

Wes Johnson founded BAM in 2013 and grew it to be one of the most recognized triathlon coaching brands in the United States. BAM has provided world-class coaching from beginner to pro, with programs for age group athletes, para and adaptive athletes, and a high performance junior development program. In 2019, Wes was named USA Triathlon Paralympic Coach of the Year followed by USA Triathlon Developmental Coach of the Year in 2021.

“I met Wes Johnson when he started to coach my son Luke [Anthony]. Wes is an amazing coach and I quickly got involved as a BAM coach and then as a board member for the BAM Elite program,” said John Anthony. “I’d like to personally welcome the BAM athletes and coaches to PCG. We look forward to continuing to provide the same high quality coaching and athlete experience that BAM is known for.”

In addition to her normal coaching responsibilities, Shannon Clawson will be assuming the role of Head Strength Coach for PCG. Shannon has worked extensively with renowned strength & mobility coach Matt Pendola, and brings industry-leading expertise to our PCG coaches and athletes. In addition, Shannon will head our Para, Adaptive and Neurodiverse teams along with support from Paralympic Athlete Chris Hammer.

Jocelyn Bonney is also joining PCG and brings an impressive career as a pro triathlete and coach to the PCG roster.

The BAM Elite squad will be joining the newly formed PCG Elite team as part of this acquisition. More details on the PCG Elite team will be released the week of October 23rd.


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