Podium Racing  Unveils supertri League Roster
Jennifer Anthony Jennifer Anthony

Podium Racing Unveils supertri League Roster

Podium Racing have unveiled their roster for a supertri League 2024 campaign that will feature 11 Olympic medals from Paris, and are backing a mix of French flair, young talent and raw power to fire them to the Teams title.

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Podium Racing Launches a supertri Team!
John Anthony John Anthony

Podium Racing Launches a supertri Team!

We are stoked to announce that Podium Racing has acquired a professional triathlon racing team, part of the supertri League! We’ve been working hard with our team manager, Tim Don (yes, Tim Don, winner of 4 World Champion titles and the winningest supertri team manager to date) to create an amazing roster of the world’s best triathletes. The first race is in Boston on August 18th! Check out the full race schedule here and the official press release below.

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The current complexity of the wearables industry is O(N^2)
John Anthony John Anthony

The current complexity of the wearables industry is O(N^2)

The wearable ecosystem is highly fragmented with many devices and platforms generating unique and overlapping metrics. Essentially, the more devices you use to gain activity-specific or best-in-class insights, the more complex your life becomes.

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